Victory in this life
Victory in Jesus my Savior for ever, he bought me and redeemed me with his redeeming blood.
Why not victory, there are lessons in all things but final victory is the sweetest thing.
That you lived a victorious life, it’s only God’s opinion that will counts in the end, nothing else on D’Day, on judgement day. In the end what does it matter what your family thought, your friend thought or what your enemies thought, they will all fall silent before God and what he thinks will matter and nothing else.
This life will be like a dream when you stand before an awesome throne and only he will matter then and what you did for him while on earth.
God never imposes himself on you or me he gave us all free reign to follow or not, but one day we will account for every thought, word and deed, forgive me Lord now I repent now because then will be to late.