The freedom of living a Godly Life
Some Have mistaken the freedom of God as approval of God to do as they please but its wrong and only lasts a season and then you are removed from his presence. Some have thought mistakenly that the freedom God gives us and is to self regulate and self judge ourselves using our criteria not his. It’s his rules not ours.
His grace only extends so far and then its over, your relationship with him is over. Your only chance then is that someone will take up your case, someone who is a friend of Gods and convinces God to give you another chance.
Moses loved his people but when God had enough and started destroying them Moses step in between God and the Jewish people and stopped the destruction of all of them. I wouldn’t count on that its most likely going to come down to you and God and your relationship and no one else. Jesus said he would look after those ones that God has given him, I don’t fully understand that but again don’t rely on it because do you know if you are one of those ones. I think a lot of statements in the Bible where referring to particular situations and there are also some things we misunderstand. Some understandings are misinterpretations and some purposely pervert the word to their own good.
Some have never known Christ intimately, they have only known of Him. But even the demons know of Him and tremble but they don’t know Him as a friend.
Who are your eyes upon? Who do you count on to rescue you in this life. When your sick is it the doctors you put your hope in, When your broke is it your own hand you believe will save you or the governments? When your desperate for answers do you turn to God, your self or the world?
Who do you rely on, who do you lean on when all else has failed? Who else do we have in heaven but You Lord?
If God has put his angels charge over you, do they answer to you or to Him? And the angels that have fallen away from God do they not answer to their leader satan?
So don’t think that anyone is ordering any angels around except their leader, it’s certainly not you. If it appears your in charge its just your imagination. They are on earth to serve their masters either God or satans angels, which are now devils.
If God has put you in charge of some angels, it’s still God giving the orders. Don’t be deceived you will eventually end up with who you truly worship the creation and the created or the Creator.
What’s it going to be, you can’t serve both of them? It either God or satan, choose you this day who you will serve?
I’m sorry but who you followed yesterday or who where hoping to follow tomorrow doesn’t count and really that’s the good news if your reading this and considering what I’m saying you can still change. But there will be a day when all your choices will be over and you will appear in the Kingdom you belong.
Don’t be deceived into thinking that you will have another chance then and change your mind, once you step over into this next life its a permanent place no more choices or chances just consequences, and don’t fool your self there will be nothing fun about hell, there will be no cold beer, no warm beer, no beer not even a drop of water from someones finger tip their, there is no party their.
Decide today who you will follow and just do your best to do it, you will never be perfect in this life. When the Bible said be perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect it was referring to perfect love which casts out all fear.
Referring to good in a perfect sense even when they said to Jesus he was good, Jesus reply was only God is good, if Jesus wouldn’t even take the title where do you fit in? You just do your best that is what God asks of you not perfection.