Understanding our Relationship With God
Help me not to worry about what can be taken but realize what can be given pressed down and overflowing. We will always have some breakdown some loss in this life but it’s the gain you have put before us we need to keep our eye on the prize, your plan is to keep us and prosper us.
That no weapon can stop the inflow of your blessings, not to worry about losses because in the end we win. There is no equal to your blessing, there is no hole that you cannot lift us out of.
That if we open our eye to your light, You will enlighten all darkness, darkness must flee in Your presence.
Our hope is in you and no other, we do not lean on what we see around us which is sinking sand we lean on You and all your promises which are yes and amen.
Does minor losses compare to the major gain we have with You? That we keep our eye on You, our heart on You because You care for us and love us and keep us.
“Do not lay up for your selves’ treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal”
Like a women in the old testament whose oil containers keep filling up, can losses out do God’s gains…………
And the purity of His new gifts given to you are superior to what you have created.
If you had all God’s wealth you would truly throw away all yours and that is what He offers us that trade…..
But you must let go of the old sometimes to make room and receive the new.
Loss doesn’t matter if your gain is much greater. Help me lord to focus on the gain.
You desire to give me and want me to not worry about the losses in this life. Because if I worry I would just add to my losses, what good would come out of any worry……….
You cannot worry yourself out of anything it just digs a bigger hole, not to be confused with preparation, make room for the flood to come. First step stop digging.
Help me Lord to not give a foothold for the enemies of my soul.
Help me to have good thoughts, empowering thoughts, a hope for a wonderful future. One that is filled with You in it. What could be taken that You could not fill 1,000 times over. That your power is far greater than any negative power and that You take all things and make them good in Your time.
That what the enemy had prepared for us he fell into, that the gallows he had built for me he hangs from.
Help me to always remember as I sow I shall reap. This is not just a cliché but a powerful reality………
The principles are so obvious Lord, help me to follow them.
How can I expect a flood of good when I’m looking at my losses my leakage and not your flood, life leaks but Your flood is all we need it cures and soothes our life, it makes up for all the leaks.
Help me to focus on taking the logs out of my own eyes by focusing on You, the speaks in my eyes will take care of themselves.
Help me that I don’t focus on the little fox’s that steal from my life when I have the Lion of Judah.
Help me Lord I need Your help to live like these words, to follow after You……….
That I would press into Your things, Your ways. Help me to step on the Ark You have made for me and stay on it. All the promises Your Ark stands for, to keep me and prosper me if I follow You and do your work.
I know religious spirits will always be there to try to discredit what You do through me and how You prosper me, help me to be an over comer.
“And they overcame satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the words of their testimony”. Help me to live these words Lord, to live these truths. Help me to remember that Your well never run dry, that You are always for my ultimate good leading me on the path I need to take to make it to You.
Help me to always remember You , no matter what happens knowing that You wanted the best for me………..
That there is no shortage to Your blessing and what You do for us and help me to be happy for others peoples successes and not be jealous. And if I have jealousy in my life that it would be jealous of the things of You God, desiring the closer walk with You and not jealousy of the things of this world. Because is not life more than food and drink,
Lord that a relationship with You rides high above all this world could ever offer.
Help me Lord to pass the very tests You give me Lord because You love me. Because if I was to gain all this world has to offer but not have a relationship with You , what good would it be in the end………….
All the tea in China would not help my spiritual void of not having You. I see I cannot serve two masters, it’s either the world or You.
As beautiful as You have made this world it is worth nothing without You.
How can I put a price on the priceless, the one who created value? The one who created price……….
I am lost without you………….