Who Can Defend You

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I cannot defend myself against the enemies of this earth or hell, only you can Lord, you are my only defense and the only defense I need. I have seen a glimpse of who you are and your greatness.

You make a way for me that I could never do because I don’t know which path to take, only you know which path to take, only you do and no there.

I am helpless without you and defenseless. I realize how treacherous, the many paths are, with a million choices before me how I to guess the right one without you?

If a man walks through a field of landmines and makes it, who but you guided his feet. I am just not smart enough to make it without you and neither is the fool who thinks he can.

There are no chance meetings just divine appointments if we follow after you. All meetings with people even if some go south are directed by you for our own good if we follow you.

You expose those who would hurt us and you make sure we are guided in the way we should go. Nothing is by chance with you, we don’t just wake up broke or rich, you are the reason we our successful. And even when things seem to go wrong they are all part of a plan to teach us and ultimately rescue us.

If we don’t get to eat some days that is what we needed, you don’t give evil gifts. As long as we follow after you and your ways there are no wrong turns, there are no broken relationships without a purpose.

You are the topping on our cake and you are also the cake, even the most menial tasks you are in.

You don’t just love us when things are going well, in fact you love us and feel for us even more when things seem to be going bad. It is in the deep things you are our oasis as well as in the heights of this life.

You are not just a friend in our happy days but our friend in our deepest despair. You desire to walk with us through all our highs and our lows, especially through our deepest tribulations. This is when we need you most.

Look how many forget about you there on the mountain top, but yet you forgive us for forgetting you, for not crediting you for our successes we have, thinking we did it when we know scripture clearly says every good gift comes from above. That we are not the creator of one of them, that everything good in our life came from you.

May I be someone’s Jonathan or Uriah in this life as they were to King David. And Lord give me my Jonathan and Uriah in this life I can count on. You know Lord the ones I mean the ones who serve others with complete abandonment. You know the ones who are more concerned about others more than for themselves. Help me to be that to others and also others unto me.

Because you live in me this can happen in my life. You know lord like you did at the cross which is so much more and hard to even imagine such a sacrifice, a sacrifice for the very ones who nailed you there.

There is none like you and will never be one but yet I ask that I be as much like you as I can possibly be in this life.

Without you there is no rescue in this life, you are the only cavalry. If you don’t come to our aid there is no rescue. But thanks to you and who you are you desire to rescue us and save us even from ourselves.

That you love us more than we could ever love ourselves, that this is the kind of God you are. There is no shadow of turning in you, you love us even if we make our bed in hell. Even when we are at our lowest point, in complete rebellion far from you, you still love us.

What kind of God, what kind of love is this that has no malice towards anyone? Even when you have to finally deal with us to give us the justice we deserve, you don’t do it with any joy, and I believe your judgement hurts you more than us.

You are not happy if we choose to die in our own sins, it deeply saddens you. What kind of love is this? Certainly not an earthly love, it is far beyond that I can conceive, yet you want us to share in that love and to be like you.

With you we can do all things, this agape love is no doubt the greatest gift, achievement we could aspire to. What could be higher than this?

Help me Lord to walk, even run in this direction Lord to love like you and love like you.

Don’t worry about what food or drink or things you have, yes Lord you are our provider.