Why You Do What You Do and What are the Consequences
Do you do good works to be seen by men? You have your reward. Do you do good works in secret to be seen only by God? He will reward you openly. Forgive me Lord for all the times I have sought the admiration of men and not the admiration of you. That I was more concerned about what others thought than what you felt. That I was more concerned about building up my own worth my own reputation in men’s eyes than giving you the glory.
Forgive me Lord and help me to follow your leading and not myself. How often have I lost the prize you wanted to give me?
“Therefore I say to you do not worry about your life. Life is more than food and your body is more than clothing.”
How do we break out of the paradigm jails we are in, the circle that keeps us trapped in continuing to think the way we think and act the way we act. We have to approach God childlike not childish, children don’t have strongly set prejudices and paradigms. At a young age we can learn at a 100 times the speed than we first thought. This is the state of mind that he wants us to have when we approach him, this is how we become accepted by him, not by changing him but ready to receive from him not to tell him how we think things should be.
Children come with an open mind to receive whatever is before them freely.
Even with problems we need to approach them with an open mind. You’re going to get more revelation with honey for a problem than to directly oppose it. You want the problem to in a sense reveal itself to you. To leave all your prejudices and judgments behind is the answer to unraveling mysteries. Many things cannot be discovered without a childlike approach the same as approaching God or anything else you want to overcome in life.
You cannot possibly learn from someone or something without an unfettered mind. When in search for new discoveries this is not the time for prejudices or preconceived ideas because this will color your understanding of the problem which will cause a blindness to the solution. Certainly at some point you can apply all you know but at the beginning of an unsolved problem you need a very open mind to all possibility.
Some studies show that it is impossible to unlearn something so don’t fight it just replace your thinking with new approaches and say to yourself you will set aside how you would normally approach a problem and be open to any solution.
Half the answers to most problems is approaching them right by asking the right questions. The right questions when stated correctly have much of the answer contained in it. When you state a problem in the wrong way it makes it impossible to come to the correct solution. So we need to replace any question that is not clear with the exact problem we are trying to solve. When you are not clear on exactly what the problem is your trying to solve you have set yourself up to likely chasing the wrong solution so it will never be solved.
If you approach God with an attitude like “why do you cause people to suffer for nothing” you have asked the wrong question based on erroneous understanding of the situation. You based your question on incorrect information he doesn’t cause people to suffer for no reason to start with.
When you approach anyone with the wrong attitude or any problem with the wrong attitude like I’ll never solve this problem for example your right you wouldn’t.
Anytime you have an adversarial attitude towards anything it will probably become a stumbling block. When you come in with the wrong attitude you shut the door in most cases to cooperation with the other party, be it God, another person or a problem you are trying to solve.
You are either a problem solver or part of the problem. A self-defeating attitude will predetermined the outcome with likely failure not the results you’re looking for.
Think in terms of problems as they want to be solved if approached in the right light, they are reaching out to be embraced but if you approach any problem or person with an attitude you cut off all cooperation and communication. By doing so you alienate the very one or thing you’re trying to understand or the problem your trying to solve. What do you think the chances are of coming into a situation and saying what a loser they are and you hate them? And now you would like to start a meaningful relationship? God wouldn’t start on that foot, people wouldn’t and the problem you’re trying to solve wouldn’t.
Paradigms and problems are like people they will let you in with the right questions and attitude and will reveal the answers and cooperate with you.
If you humbly come before God for example, childlike because everyone is a child compared to him, he says he will open his good treasures to you. God has a person-hood like you he has feelings just like you but he is more forgiving than us he has a far better person-hood than anyone. And when you come with an attitude to him, lucky for you he doesn’t fry you on the spot but he just walks away from the conversation if you where every able to get in front of him with the wrong attitude in the first place, it would be dangerous.
God, people and ideas are not your personal punching bags, you will not create lasting relationships with this approach probably you will have no relationship at all. The correction must begin with you not the other party.
If you’re such a great loving God why did you do such and such and then give him a list of your grievances you have. Wrong approach and wrong question. You will get zero answers from God, people or problems. Probably in the first place he didn’t do what you accused him of doing and so the other party just walks away from the conversation and you have lost getting the answers or cooperation you were seeking.
Come humbly before God, other people or problems and you will open up the relationship you needed and get the answers you wanted. Answers you have been seeking all your life will often open up and be revealed.
Just to clear up the thinking some might have thought that you could rehabilitate the devil and those like him, you can’t, only those who choose by their own will can be changed. The Bible says don’t throw your pearls to swine. As long as a person chooses to live a swine life no one in the world can change them, no person can and God wouldn’t.
You must come freely to God on your own accord, humbly, no one can drag you screaming and kicking in to the kingdom, it might look like that sometimes but it’s not. It’s always a personal choice. Who will you serve this day? You can’t serve God and not God. Which will it be there is no third choice like I’ll create my own religion and design my own god, I will make him out of wood or gold, no these are not gods just a piece of wood or a piece of gold.
These are just false beliefs that you made up like all the other religions today, they are just political creations of evil men. They were just created to please the imaginations of some man and he creates a whole following of the lost out of it. There is only one true God the Lord Almighty.
There is only one creator, all the rest are impostors. There is only one true God, the one that made us all, the creator.
Don’t fool yourself that you can worship some false religion like science or whatever because it seems it has some good points about it and may even seem to be doing some good, don’t be caught up in some philosophy’s and vein imaginations about life because you will one day stand before the one true God and there will be no explaining to him how your beliefs are right even you will know then that it was all wrong.
You wouldn’t be able to say “well I thought you were wrong when you went against what I wanted”, that’s not going to work or I needed more chances to find you Lord, no he will say I gave you a 1,000 chances and you still denied me.
On that frightful day at your last breath and you never have surrendered yourself to him you will not go with God but with another to a very unpleasant place. But until that day comes God will be gracious to you and give you many chances to choose him but if we close our hearts to him one day he will close his heart to you and you will no longer want him but it was your own undoing. When you closed your heart to him you set in motion your own condemnation be yourself not God.
You caused where you will end up, no one else did, there will be no one to blame. You will bear all the responsibility and rewards for your life good or bad you will receive your just dues. There will only be you standing before Him on that great and terrible day, you decided your end not God. Each person will be sent to his just reward whatever that reward is and don’t be foolish just because you don’t like the truth that will change nothing.
Truth speaks for itself it doesn’t lean on anyone or anything.
Decide to follow God not because I said so but that you truly want a relationship with him.
He’s waiting for you.