The Path To Him
So many men, good men become seduced by money, power and fame. Look at King Solomon and the devil both had the highest positions one on earth and one in heaven. They were at the top of the pyramid in there realms but where not satisfied until they could somehow try to surpass God, they decided they didn’t need him anymore. How vein created beings can be both earthly and heavenly.
This is the free will God gives both realms. The freedom to choose who they will follow.
When you created being with choice good things and trouble began. The ones without choice, the birds of the air didn’t revolt, the cattle didn’t, just those could choice.
How can some think we don’t have choice that we are all predestined? If that were true Lord you being a Good God would have predestined us all to a wonderful future, no we have choice period, to choose you or not to.
I know it’s a curse or a blessing choice but that was the chance you took when you made us and you wanted us to freely choose you not like the animals that don’t have a choice. What would possess any created being to want to follow someone else besides you and think they were smarter and could somehow create a better world than you, I don’t get it. Actually I do the world is such a beautiful creation that many fall in love with the world and forgot about the creator. Can it happen, such foolish thinking? Yes it did and it happened too many of the most blessed ones. So blessing don’t help us or not help us when it comes to whether we serve you or not it’s out heart that decides and apparently the heart can be dead wrong.
What is in the souls of created beings that would cause them to think they could rise above you? Free will is capable of doing whatever it wants regardless of the facts in front of it, as God said even if I was standing in front of a man he could still deny me.
Even thinking that one could rise up and be greater than God is some kind of insanity.
Love conquers all so I guess we can chose to love something so much that we can ignore and even forget about God. What God gave for good for us we can pervert and use it for evil by hating him and loving the creation rather than the creator? Love is unstoppable even when used wrongly. Watch out what you fall in love with it can kill you.
Some come to this place of independence after they are blessed where they say ” I got it Lord I can take it from here”, this is the first step away and not long after they hate and resent God. They decide to lien on something else besides God, their, money, their knowledge, their power of on someone else other than God. Some directly on the devil and of course you can’t serve two masters so you resent one and that turns to hate for the other. Why because as I just said you can’t serve God and mammon.
There is always a reason why we turn from God it’s because we love another more than Him. If openly or secretly in our hearts we crave wealth or power first then it’s just a matter of time to hate God. The ungodly have decided to lean on worldly things instead of God. So it doesn’t take long where they go from playing church to leaving and hating church.
Just look at the direction of many of the leaders in the free world. They start and speak really Christian and end up hating everything that God stands for. Once they turn away from God it’s not long before great oppression follows and right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right. Then the true nature of a godless government comes out. Suddenly abortion of any kind is fine euthanasia for the sick and of course the next step eliminate anyone who opposes them.
It’s never good leaving God, because any political or church organization that has left God (I don’t care which church it is it will fall into great darkness. There it is again you can’t serve two masters.) Any organization apart from God long enough and total anarchy will reign.
For the lukewarm you know the ones that think there is some middle ground that you can tolerate some evil find out that there is no middle ground no half God you are either for or against Him folks. He has no replacement or substitute.
It’s funny how when things go well like investments we look like geniuses and when they fail we look like fools and in the end we have no control. It was never us it was always him because all good gifts come from above. He gives us the ability to create wealth. But it so easy to take credit when it’s great but not on a downturn it was the economy fault, God’s fault anyone but ourselves.
One day all are stuff our wealth cannot go with us, it all goes back to him we were just custodians for a time the question will be where we good custodians, did we love others enough, did we do all we could for you Lord. One day we will stand before you and give account of our time on earth. We will stand alone facing you. Help us Lord to get it right now while we can do something about it.
If you have made a decision to live a godless life what can we expect in the next life a God filled one? No, as you sow you shall reap there is no escape from the bed you have made except turning to God before that judgement day.
Some have chosen to deny God even with all the evidence before them and they will have to live those choices in the next life. If you have chosen another that is who you go with in this next life.
All the arguments in the world will not convince anyone of anything, each chooses in his heart what to believe and nothing can change their mind but God and he says he has made us with such an ability to choose that we can deny him even if he was standing before us.
He gave every man and angel sovereignty over choice of who they would follow with the consequences of their choice pressed down and overflowing, with either good or bad from their choice. You cannot blame God or anyone else it is your choice and yours alone.
The question always is who will you serve this day? Yesterday is gone you can’t change what you did and tomorrow is just a maybe. It’s today that carries the weight of where you will go to spend eternity. Yes he is a just God, he will take care of any exceptional circumstances but don’t lien on exceptions, lien on him now while you have the clear mind to choose not when you hardly have a mind left, there will be a too late to little place I don’t nowhere it is and I don’t want stretch God to find out.
Don’t think anyone will get away with murder in this life without its consequences. You will either pay back what you have done in this life either with a sudden consequence or a long drawn out one but we all must pay for what we have done in this life.
Salvation is a spiritual issue and usually doesn’t include what you did in the body. God told King David because of what he did to his friend Uriah impregnating his wife and then having him murdered that he would suffer all his life with various punishments like having his wives raped by his son in public. Now if King David who God said had a heart for him and was in many ways one of the best Kings of Israel but yet God gave him such punishment for what he did, why do you think you will escape the punishment you deserved in this body? This punishment has nothing to do with your salvation. The only relief I see from some of your body sins is the bible says love covers a multitude of sins so there may some relief but again keep in mind it says it covers them not eliminate them, so one day you will account for all you did in this life. You will be brought to account for your sins.
Be like Scrooge in the Christmas Carol and make this day your great turn around. It doesn’t eliminate what you did but it will certainly soften the blow you had coming.
On your judgement day you want Jesus standing next to you as they bring up each sin for all to see and Jesus says put it on my back.
It’s amazing and so plain, you can’t serve two masters. Like an old friend of mine at one time Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in public he praised Jesus but in private he hated Him. You can’t serve two masters, Maharishi served the gods of the Vedas and Upanishads the holy books of the Hindu’s, He could not serve Jesus and to, you will love one and hate the other.
You see so many businesses that started out as Christian Businesses and then they sell out to some big company that has no Christianity in them they are a bottom line company and are ruthless. The seller has left their loyal employees to the wolves, they were loyal to the owner for years and helped them to take the company to such great heights. Now the employees are in the hands of new cruel owners and the seller has taken all the profit for themselves. What do you think God feels about them for doing this especially if they were Christians? That the owners took it all and where only concerned about themselves and their family. How do you think they should be treated? God feels the same.
Then this inheritance is passed to their children and they wonder why their children became druggies and no good for nothing citizens in this inheritance they are living off? This is the inheritance their father gave them, have you heard of blood money? Even the Priests and the elders refused the 30 pieces of silver Judas tried to give back for the betrayal of Jesus. Even they knew it was blood money.
The solution that would have been right would have been at the sale of their businesses that they should have shared fairly with their employees according to their contributions to the company over the years. Not throw them to the sharks, the new owners that have no obligation in their mind to repay the faithful who built the company. Any these owners wonder why things have gone south with their lives. Why they feel so depressed and want to jump out of a window.
It’s the fruit of what they did coming home to roost. Stop it, your remedy is to pay back with interest if you can to those who you mistreated. Start a new life built on a new foundation that is solid based on Christian principles a business that time cannot destroy, that death cannot and it will leave behind a good inheritance.