I like many kids set out to find his fame and fortune and found himself at 18 several 1,000 miles from home broke and jobless. The only job offer was selling encyclopedias door to door, like that sounds like a lot of fun. For 10 days I traveled the country with a group knocking on doors and made zero dollars. Hunger is the mother of all invention. I took a Sunday to try to sell on my own, went out with my friend Dave who said he would come along just for laughs. He got so excited during my presentation he started to jump in to help me sell and with the help of his enthusiasm I made over $800 in commissions that day in today’s dollars.
From there I went on to become national trainer with the company. I have since started several businesses some very profitable, some busts. I have taken professionals like attorney’s and have been their rain maker. In a very short time taken practices from brand new to million dollar practices in just months. I have raised over a million for charities. But now I’m starting over, no problem I have nothing to lose, I have no turf to defend just ready to jump into this with you with both feet.
The ravages of the economy on my past fortunes have been let say ravaged and like many of you have had to basically start over again. Fortune comes and fortunes go but I have faith that together we can make new future together. As I have said to many of my friends that have lost much of their wealth ” do you think your stupider than you where when you made your first fortune?” and I always get no, so my question to them is why can’t you make it all back and then some. Why can’t they work at some new business that excites them, where they can’t wait to get up in the morning to work at it?
We where not made as baby boomers to just watch sunsets, hit balls, watch balls hit, get whacked and do nothing constructive. Come on, wake up smell the coffee let’s have some fun together and listen to what others have done to make money in this new economy but especially from those are our age that we can relate to. Hang on, hang in there, I think we are in for some good times.
The purpose of this website and my podcast that will be starting up over the next few weeks is helping baby boomers make a steady income from home of $1,000 plus a month income part time.
With businesses that produce a minimum of $20 an hour that are easy to start and generally of low investment of $100 to $1,000 range which could be either off line businesses or online ones.
The business men I will be generally interviewing on the podcasts would be one or two men shows, working from home. They will not be any multilevel or pyramid schemes. All interviewed owners profits have been verified to be true to the best of out knowledge.
Some are doing these various businesses for fun but many really appreciate the extra $1,000 or $2,000 a month, some making many times that. It usually will depend on how many hours you want to work and the concentrated effort you put in and of course your background in the field certainly doesn’t hurt.
I have tried to focus mainly on businesses that have been started by baby boomers especially owners who started them once they retired or semi-retired.
I realize as a baby boomers you are struggling to find your way emotionally with retirement as well as financially and I am doing everything in my power to help you, I am you, I one of you, lets learn together from these men that where kind enough to share their knowledge with us, I applaud them.
P.S. (Baby Boomer ages would be in the year 2015 any where from 51 to 69 years old)