Kenneth Queen

The Power of Thought

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Thank you for the good news Lord that yes if we sin in our hearts on something, it is a level of sin even if we don’t go and commit the deed physically but the flip side is if we have good intentions in our heart even though we did not actually do the deed there is a blessing. Certainly actually doing a good deed would likely have a much greater blessing intent counts for a little. That is why He said to think on good things, uplifting things because…read more



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Life is about relationships, first with You Lord, the stronger that one is , all the other relationships will follow suit. The prime relationship being strong and good so goes all other relationships. You are the glue that holds people together. Your ways cause strong and healthy relationships but when we are out of sync with You everything is at jeopardy. Just look at King Solomon, he had it all but then when he turned to other gods, sacrificing his children and other people’s children on a burning alter and…read more


When God’s involved

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  Everything changes when we have You, colors take on new meaning, the earth and the sky reveal new beauty that we did not know before coming to know you. Life has a whole new texture to it, a brand new feel to it. It’s like all our emotions are turn on at once, all the good ones, You draw out goodness and you are the essence of goodness, just knowing you and thinking on you changes us. You cause our hearts to leap inside with great expectations, there is…read more


God’s Plans or Yours

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Guide us, teach us your ways Lord….with you we can do more than we can think or imagine. Is this true for me today, now???? Remove every veil that would separate me from You. Surround me with You and Your marvelous presence………… May I always appreciate You Lord………. Pride leads me away from You, may I always keep a proper perspective of who I am and that it is You who is the goodness in me, not of myself. I see how having everything has ruined so many people, so…read more


The Problem With To Much Power or Wealth

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The problem is you can start to think that you can manipulate things control things and then you think you can manipulate God and that is when you left God and started to serve another mammon (money, things) You cannot direct God, He directs you if you are to be part of His kingdom. When a church or Godly government starts to serve its own interest rather than God’s, that body has left God’s plans, then we have the Ichabod situation, God has left the building. When the life of…read more


The Path To Him

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          So many men, good men become seduced by money, power and fame. Look at King Solomon and the devil both had the highest positions one on earth and one in heaven. They were at the top of the pyramid in there realms but where not satisfied until they could somehow try to surpass God, they decided they didn’t need him anymore. How vein created beings can be both earthly and heavenly. This is the free will God gives both realms. The freedom to choose who…read more


Why You Do What You Do and What are the Consequences

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Do you do good works to be seen by men? You have your reward. Do you do good works in secret to be seen only by God? He will reward you openly. Forgive me Lord for all the times I have sought the admiration of men and not the admiration of you. That I was more concerned about what others thought than what you felt. That I was more concerned about building up my own worth my own reputation in men’s eyes than giving you the glory. Forgive me Lord…read more


Hate’s Has Its Place

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Hate has its place but it is not against people it’s against principles and actions, hate against what they did not the person. Hate against principalities in high places, you are to hate the anti-God actions not the actors. They must be punished for what they do but not in hate against them. When God punishes us He doesn’t do it in hate but in love. Even if someone’s life must be taken for the crimes they did, we don’t do it in hate but love for justice not for…read more


Who Is In Charge

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What you worry about you serve. You just need to look at all the things in life that you worry about, this is what you serve, and this is where your heart is. Worry reveals many things about yourself, your masters, and the things that are controlling your life. Change your worries into hope. Hope for a better future and this will change who you serve. Who or what you think about all day is your master. They become in charge of you by default. You just need to look…read more


Free to Choose Who You Will Follow

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Some have chosen darkness to be their guiding light. You will not change their mind until they are ready to change. There is no argument against what people chose, only justification. God says that even if he revealed himself to them, they wouldn’t change their mind so what great argument do you think you have that would be stronger than God showing up. Choice is a heart decision by you only and the one who made you will not force any choice on you.  The one who made you could…read more