Kenneth Queen

Who Can Defend You

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  I cannot defend myself against the enemies of this earth or hell, only you can Lord, you are my only defense and the only defense I need. I have seen a glimpse of who you are and your greatness. You make a way for me that I could never do because I don’t know which path to take, only you know which path to take, only you do and no there. I am helpless without you and defenseless. I realize how treacherous, the many paths are, with a million…read more


Obedience: Coming under His Wings

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  Because some areas of our life are not mature in Him we have to force ourselves to do the right thing even though in your heart you are not there yet, you haven’t reached a level of belief that it is a heart thing yet but just at the obedience level. When we have not arrived at a heart level of belief in God’s word we try to sometime manipulate God into blessing us but he blesses what he thinks should be blessed and not what we want blessed necessarily. He…read more


Understanding our Relationship With God

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Help me not to worry about what can be taken but realize what can be given pressed down and overflowing. We will always have some breakdown some loss in this life but it’s the gain you have put before us we need to keep our eye on the prize, your plan is to keep us and prosper us. That no weapon can stop the inflow of your blessings, not to worry about losses because in the end we win. There is no equal to your blessing, there is no hole that…read more


Get Wise Counsel

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If you had a chance each morning to consult with the smartest and wisest man on earth and get advice and direction everyday would you take the time to spend it with him? There is someone far greater and smarter than any man available if you will call on Him, he is God, he is Jehovah. There are all kinds of counselors around us but they all ultimately answer to their leader, I’m speaking of spiritual beings, they are either from God or satan there is no middle party or middle…read more


Who Will You Follow

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Who have you decided to reside with? Have you laid all at the feet of God? Total Surrender? Or have you decided that you would take the parts you like and ignore the rest? Have you decided that you will do this and that but not certain things? Have you said I will forgive everyone but not that one? How surrendered are you? You would recognize Godly rules but refuse the creator of these rules? Do not be deceived, that is not possible, it’s only a front, your heart, your…read more


Where Does Your Help Come From?

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And I cry out to You O Lord my God and I ask You Jehovah my God for your help. I know it is nothing for You to defeat my enemies Lord big or small. I rest in You and in Your name. As I go against my enemies You Jehovah are my God and there is no other do not let man or angels prevail against you and your anointed. Jehovah strike them so they cannot recover.


The power of belief and its benefits

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Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established, believe in the prophets and you shall prosper. Sing praises to the Lord in battle and he will ambush your enemies. Some battles the Lord fights for us, all we have to do is stand and praise Him and he fights for us. Some battles He has us fight but he goes into battle with us and fights along our side, WOW.  


How do we find Joy

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Joy is a by-product of a life well lived, it can’t be bottled up or captured or purchased only experienced. Pleasure can be contrived and bought but not joy. Joy comes from usually doing selfless work and then it’s God’s reward not one from mans hand. Like the wind we don’t know exactly where it come from or where it is going but when we experience it there is nothing like it in this life.


The freedom of living a Godly Life

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Some Have mistaken the freedom of God as approval of God to do as they please but its wrong and only lasts a season and then you are removed from his presence. Some have thought mistakenly  that the freedom God gives us and is to self regulate and self judge ourselves using our criteria not his. It’s his rules not ours. His grace only extends so far and then its over, your relationship with him is over. Your only chance then is that someone will take up your case, someone who is…read more


In Search Of Godly Excellence

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In search of excellence, in search of essence, those who have truly found excellence, its a fullness that can only be experienced. It’s more than you are it’s God. Your self is not enough, it’s that essence of life, of living, it’s the sweetness of a life well lived. To carry the essence, living in the fullness of a life with all its parts, emotions, feelings, longings, desires but only in the end finding them in you Dear Lord. Other relationships are part of the picture but You dear Lord…read more