Kenneth Queen

The Making of a Man

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You wouldn’t be the man you are without going through the experiences you went through. God makes all things good in his time. He can take and transmute which at the time was a trial to a victory today. Because the experience changed you and eventually elevated you to who you are today. The heart of a man is the essence of a man, no matter what he appears to be on the surface his real self is revealed in his heart. God has given us all a deep goodness…read more


Victory in this life

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Victory in Jesus my Savior for ever, he bought me and redeemed me with his redeeming blood. Why not victory, there are lessons in all things but final victory is the sweetest thing. That you lived a victorious life, it’s only God’s opinion that will counts in the end, nothing else on D’Day, on judgement day. In the end what does it matter what your family thought, your friend thought or what your enemies thought, they will all fall silent before God and what he thinks will matter and nothing…read more


What are the factors for success?

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If you feel forgotten, lost, confused snap out of it, your creating your own prison. All your limits are self imposed. Your thinking created your world, the world did not create your thinking. Because if it was the other way around how do you explain someone from the ghetto rising to the top and the son of a great leader going to the bottom? Pray like you will have what you ask for. Speak confidently as if it is as good as done. Speak the future into the present. The The…read more