Free to Choose Who You Will Follow
Some have chosen darkness to be their guiding light.
You will not change their mind until they are ready to change. There is no argument against what people chose, only justification. God says that even if he revealed himself to them, they wouldn’t change their mind so what great argument do you think you have that would be stronger than God showing up.
Choice is a heart decision by you only and the one who made you will not force any choice on you. The one who made you could make you choice him but wouldn’t.
Don’t waste your time on those who are not the least bit interested in God, what a useless venture when there are many that are ripe for God.
Nothing will happen until a man decides to change his heart, otherwise he will stay with the belief that he has.
God draws a line and says who do you choose this day, to stand with me? It’s yes or no there is no maybe there is no middle ground all middle ground is a vote against God. You don’t get to pick and choose what you like and don’t like about God, you are either for or against him, don’t fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
Heaven is a voluntary Kingdom and is not run as a democracy.
You may get to choose whatever blend of God or the devil you like on earth but not in heaven.
Every thought once we become aware of them there is then a choice to entertain them or not. You may not get a choice of what good or bad thoughts enter our mind but you do get the choice to pull down every thought and imagination that’s wrong once you recognize them or in biblical terms “that we pull down every thought and imagination that exults itself against God”
Bad thoughts are not the problem, we all have them at times but it’s the entertaining them and thinking about them that’s the problem. Then from there it goes to speaking them and ultimately acting upon them.
Have you ever heard of nipping something in the bud? Destroying negative thoughts before they grow and destroy your peace of mind and carried to far the destruction of your life. You have to refuse to entertain anything that would be contrary to God.
When you are viewing events and situations and your view is contrary to God’s word immediately pull them down when you realize your wrong reaction, your wrong thinking.
If you desire food that you know is bad for your body type you must immediately pull these thoughts down. Don’t let your imagination picture how good it would be to eat them. See the sickness the awful feeling you will have after you eat them and secondly start to immediately replace them with thoughts and imaginations with food that would be great for your whole body and being.
This is not brain surgery, it’s a simple formula a moron could follow a low IQ person can do it. God has made it simple, it’s not easy but simple. Situations come up every day where we are going to be part of the problem or part of the solution.
If someone is in morning for someone there in grief that is one thing, someone who just moans and groans about everything is not helping to solve problems. You are either going to agree with a problem or a problem solver. Are you going to bemoan a situation and accept its negative situation it presents or are you going to be on the problem solving side?
If you think any problem is impossible to solve your right, you will never be part of the solution. If you decide there is nothing you can’t do with God you are right, he says all things are possible for those who believe and are called according to their purpose. There are some caveats here but if you are called to it you can do it.
Problems are presented to you and you get to make a decision that you either in agreement there is no solution or not
He gives such simple instructions but it’s hard to come in agreement with God at times. First obstacle, my pride, if I try to solve the problem and fail I will look foolish and stupid so you have already stepped on the road to failure. You’re more concerned about failure than solving the problem.
Or you decide you can solve the problem before you with God and I don’t care about my pride and what the naysayers say. And I will solve the problem or die trying, this a true commitment to a solution. How many times I have said something can’t be done but you’re pushed forward by someone and I solve the problem. Nothing is impossible but some problems may take a life time to solve, but solve it you can do.
Commitment is the locomotive that will pull you through no matter how tough it gets. We have the power to accomplish any one thing but not everything. Like a magnify glass you can warm a few things up in a certain sized area but if you focus its beam like a laser you can start a fire. We just don’t have enough power to do a bunch of things well but we can all do one thing well.
Pick a problem any one problem and you can burn it up if you focus long enough. If you keep hammering the same stone often and long enough you will suddenly cause it to crumble problem solved but if you hit a 1,000 stones and it takes you years to do it you will not have the breakthrough you could have had focusing on one solution.
Your success lies in focusing on a particular problem long enough and then you will go where no man has gone before.
This principle applies to a Christian person or a non-believer but don’t you think if you can have God help who already knows all the answers and could help you get to the solution quicker it would be a good idea to be a friend of God…..
Why do you kick against the goads the stones in this life? Without God you could accomplish some things in this life but often at the expense of family and friends but why the hard way……..
If there was 10,000 options to solve a problem but only one was right, wouldn’t you want to work with the one who already knows the solution and says I will hold no good thing from you………
Stop trying to do things the hard way and work with God not against him. Don’t deny who he is but God is not a dictator, he has given you free will, choose who you will follow this day, don’t blame it on him when you don’t team up with God and fail. He is either going to be your partner in finding answers in this life or not, choose this day who you will follow………