Get Wise Counsel
If you had a chance each morning to consult with the smartest and wisest man on earth and get advice and direction everyday would you take the time to spend it with him?
There is someone far greater and smarter than any man available if you will call on Him, he is God, he is Jehovah.
There are all kinds of counselors around us but they all ultimately answer to their leader, I’m speaking of spiritual beings, they are either from God or satan there is no middle party or middle road.
These spiritual beings don’t take orders from you but from their leader. So why would I want to play the game of trying to consult with any spiritual being other than God?
God”s angels are directed by God so they are not to be worshiped, they have been sent by God to do a task. Let’s say it’s to protect you, they were not sent to be controlled by you they have been sent for a specific purpose and that’s it they are not your consultant, God is.
Now satan’s fallen angels would try to give you all kinds of advice to deceive you so why would you want to consult them unless you want to with him. Anytime in the bible when God sent an angel the angel would always indicate that you should not worship him but only God.
So if an angel likes and wants you to bow down to him you know they are from satan’s camp.
So the path is clear, you need to consult God daily to find out what direction to go and any other one proclaiming to have all the answers run and worshiping them is from the satanic side.
Any spiritual being you meet you can quickly determine their intent by asking them who do they serve the one God Jehovah? Do they bow down to Him?
I don’t want any spiritual advice from any spirit but God’s spirit.
If you ask an idol whether it’s a golden calf or dollar bills or whatever you make into an image of God and worship that thing, demons and fallen angels will eventually take up residency in those object of worship and will start answering you from that object. It’s nor God because God says he doesn’t work through craven images of Himself, make no craven image of me are His instructions.
Anytime you begin to worship anyone or anything besides God you are prone to false doctrine. Worship is reserved only for God.