Life is about relationships, first with You Lord, the stronger that one is , all the other relationships will follow suit.
The prime relationship being strong and good so goes all other relationships. You are the glue that holds people together. Your ways cause strong and healthy relationships but when we are out of sync with You everything is at jeopardy.
Just look at King Solomon, he had it all but then when he turned to other gods, sacrificing his children and other people’s children on a burning alter and all the other terrible religions of the day, you can see how quickly when we lose God we lose all decency. The mistreating of God and his word quickly translate to misuse of others including children.
Then there is no limit to the evil we will do without God, anything goes and all things are acceptable to a mind and heart without God.
I am impressed with King Solomon’s early life but I’m shocked that he could end his life with such disgust.
This brings up that we need to think of the rest of our life and leave any evil past behind and besides we can’t do anything about changing our past, only today do we have control over. Don’t be so concerned about your past and trust in God for today.
Another thought, don’t be so concerned about whether your belly is going to be full or you have beautiful clothes to wear, life is so much more. Strengthen your relationship first with God and then others because the foundation of a good life based on God and no other. Goodness without God is not goodness at all just a counterfeit.
We have to enjoy the good teachings that King Solomon exposed keeping in mind that his words or and ones are not new, when he had a close walk with God he saw and understood what other men knew by walking close to God. Realize that all the tea in China and all the wisdom of the world can’t save you, without God they are all just clanging cymbals showing us that the best of mankind can fall out of love with God but the good news is the lowest can change and fall in love with Him.
Because love is not based on wisdom, knowledge or understanding, love it much higher than that, love conquers all where they can’t. A heart felt love, agape love is far above all things. When you love like God’s loves even his enemies you become perfect like Him. (That doesn’t mean you are Him or above Him just like Him, in his likeness)
God doesn’t interfere with your choices but then he eventually judges them, Good or bad and the fruit there of you receive.
Good news is you can be instantly changed with a heart change
. The story of Scrooge in the Christmas Carol is an interesting example, what difference one day can make and the great news is anyone can make the leap into God’s arms if we choose. Today could be the start of an amazing new you.
It starts off with the choices you make and repeat again and again. First the choices you make have little power over you like a cob web they are easily broken but repeated enough times they become like steel hard to change they calcify. But God can change everything.
At some point God support your choices like he did Pharaoh, first Pharaoh said no on his own but at some point God hardened his heart and supported his decision to be obstinate. Things are really hard to change then, only someone’s petitions to God might be heard.
The good news is you have free will, the bad news is you have free will, it’s a two edged sword, choice this day who you will follow.