The Power of Thought
Thank you for the good news Lord that yes if we sin in our hearts on something, it is a level of sin even if we don’t go and commit the deed physically but the flip side is if we have good intentions in our heart even though we did not actually do the deed there is a blessing. Certainly actually doing a good deed would likely have a much greater blessing intent counts for a little. That is why He said to think on good things, uplifting things because it has a direct and real effect on all our life. That our intentions are important, our heartfelt things are effecting every situation. Yes we do need to physically do the good works by speaking them, writing them, publishing them and acting them out but the seed is planted by what we think and dwell on in our hearts.
I think of Ruth who said to her mother-in-law Naomi that “Where you go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God” (note to self Help me Lord that never let details hang me up when you are trying to teach me principles. I know details are important to but not at the cost of losing the point you are trying to teach me. It’s better to have a completed imperfect ark that floats than to have a half finished perfect ark that doesn’t float at all. When the rains come and the rains will come have a floating ark.
I understand why You did not focus on heart felt things because you did not want people to stop at just thoughts and do no actions.
I love the attitude of I’m going to make you glad you meet me even with enemies but not by conforming to others in any false belief but leading with Godly beliefs and ways. Not to argue against wrong thinking but to start a new conversation and it all begins with asking the right questions. Don’t be pulled down into the mud and fight from there but to start the good conversations and lead from there down paths of right thinking righteous paths to You.
If we start with the wrong questions it is an uphill battle to reach right conclusion. If it is possible at all. But asking the right questions (the answers are often contained in the right questions or at least the start of the path to the answer) it is for God to pose the right questions and it is for Kings to to discover the answers. His desire is for us to be Kings and Priests, he is not a respecter of persons, this is exciting folks He is not so concerned where you came from but very concerned where you are going.
Every day is a chance for a brand new start, a new beginning. Each day has the potential for you to win the war in some area of your life, spiritually, physically, mentally, financially. One clue given by God can open up the flood gates of heaven and change everything. Store houses have been building up for a time such as this and God would give you the clues to unlock the flood gates.
The heavens moan with pent up prophetic words that are ready to burst forth, for some it will be the the evil they have contributed to for those who follow You Lord righteousness will burst forth, the goodness of God will overshadow them and carry them away in a mighty rush of your righteousness, this is for those who love and obey You.
To love God is a first good step but it must be followed by obedience.