The Problem With To Much Power or Wealth
The problem is you can start to think that you can manipulate things control things and then you think you can manipulate God and that is when you left God and started to serve another mammon (money, things) You cannot direct God, He directs you if you are to be part of His kingdom.
When a church or Godly government starts to serve its own interest rather than God’s, that body has left God’s plans, then we have the Ichabod situation, God has left the building.
When the life of a person or church or government holds its own interests and expansion for its own benefit with no interest in whether it serves God or not, again God has left the building, the group is now serving mammon not God.
You cannot serve two masters it wouldn’t work. It denigrates both masters, it wouldn’t work.
Choose you this day who you will serve. It’s the heart choice that counts and then action not lip service.
You must think about why you do what you do, what your motivations are. Is it for God or for another, another being maybe financial benefit, or another person’s benefit who is not aligned with God, there is only two choices always for or against God , there is no middle ground, what you’re doing either aligns with God or not. You don’t get to pick and choose what you want to do and God will accept it.
Every step you take, every though you entertain (we all have bad thoughts at times, the question is do you reject them immediately or do you think on them and ponder on them.) either takes you closer to God or away, there is not a third choice.
There is no neutral place, every decision you make is serving someone, something………..
If you build anything, let’s say a 100 story building, the foundation is most important because the whole structure of your life like the building will depend on it. When you reach the 50th floor say half way through your life and decide to get sloppy with your construction how stable do you think the next 50 stories will be? One day always builds on the previous day, one story always builds on the other.
Everyday stands on its own to a point but it affects the whole structure. Sometimes we have a bad day but don’t continue it, it will in the end cause all you built to fall.
You can spend a life time building a reputation but it doesn’t need many days of wrong doing to destroy what took years to build.
You can have people who have helped you for years but it doesn’t take years to destroy a relationship. Yes close friends will stick with you longer but even their friendship can eventually erode to a point that there is no more love or patience left.
The good news is you can always start a new thing today to serve God, he will not turn you away if you’re sincere because he loves you even if you make your bed in hell.