What are the factors for success?
If you feel forgotten, lost, confused snap out of it, your creating your own prison. All your limits are self imposed. Your thinking created your world, the world did not create your thinking. Because if it was the other way around how do you explain someone from the ghetto rising to the top and the son of a great leader going to the bottom?
Pray like you will have what you ask for. Speak confidently as if it is as good as done. Speak the future into the present. The The only restrictions in thinking and writing and speaking are self imposed.
It is said that the pen is greater than the sword, why is that? Your sword, your physical strength can only do so much and no more, it has limitations, you can go beyond the normal but only so far.
If you have no legs it would be unlikely that you could become the fastest human being in the world. But now thinking has no limits, as well as writing and speaking it is possible to imagine anything. The only limits are the self imposed ones, you can create a glass ceiling, but why?
The dream must first be put in writing (backed by the Bible) to reinforce the dream, to make clear the dream. Then you need to speak the dream, to verbalize the dream. (The more sensory modalities you use the stronger the effect)
Then comes the actual application of the dream, actually walking out the dream yourself or having others test the premises in the real world for you. Einstein dreamed up many of his theories, wrote they down and told others about them and then he let others prove or disprove his theories, some where proven right, some proven wrong.
Your imagination is the first step to propel you into the future that you believe and want.(as Disney said imagination rules the world)
Faith and imagination are tied closely together. But you say you have no faith? Wrong. God says he gives a measure of faith to every one. Do you have the same faith of others? Maybe yes, maybe no but you can exercise the faith you do have and like your muscles if you use them they will get bigger, just exercise your faith.
Do you want more faith? Be careful for what you ask for, first use the measure of faith you do have in some positive motivating way, then ask for more. ( ex. If you have been misusing the money you do have why should God or anyone else give you more?) ( ex. if you use all your money for lets say alcohol, then more money and resources might not be a good thing.)
Money and a lot of it will not change how you use it, it will just intensify who you are. Get who you are or would like to be figured out first and then intensify. If your a little jerk now and win the lottery, it will just help you be a big jerk.
Don’t get benefits mixed up with intention. Benefits are a by product of your intention and can help you in any direction, good or bad. For example a brilliant mind full of knowledge doesn’t mean mean you have good intentions. Just look around you at some who have become rich and what practices they take up. That is why it is better to use the little you have wisely then to have large resources misused.
Know your why for what you do clearly, your intentions will be the determining factor where you end up not what resources you have, money. etc. First determine your intentions so you end up where you wanted to be. Resources collect around you like a magnet when you are clear on your destination your intention. (as they say if you don’t know where your going any road will take you there.)
Resources are attracted to those with strong and clear intention but keep in mind that your intentions should be good because focus like this can take you to good or bad places.
Good intentions in your imagination only without works is just a day dream, writing them down verbalizing them and actually acting on them has the power to carry you to your dreams.
The by product of intention is success not the other way around. Success is a by product of intention. What the first thing a father wants to know when his daughter brings home a guy is? What’s your intentions? Is she a long term intention or a one night stand.
God could ask us the same question, what are your intentions if I help you with your dream? I know God can know everything but I think rather than look ahead to see your answer he would like to be surprised and hear the answer from the horses mouth.
Your purpose and your intention will carry you to success. Some people focus on success but they can’t reach it because it’s a by product not a destination. They can’t reach it because without intention and purpose your why, success is just an illusion, like a mirage always dangling like the carrot in front of you on a string just out of reach.
If your aim was to win the Noble Prize without your why in place, it’s unlikely to happen because again The Noble Prize is a by product of your success. If your aim was to discover a cure for cancer so that you would help alleviate the suffering of mankind you will win the Noble Prize and a lot of other awards, your why was a good one and the winning of the Noble Prize would be just a by product of your dream not your goal.
You can determine how far you want to go and work towards that but others will determine which prizes you receive.
Your why could be the cure for cancer, sounds like a good idea but it has to be a why that you will give everything for, not just a passing thought.
If your desire is to make a lot of money for only money’s sake it’s unlikely to happen and if by some fluke you do get the money, these are often the people who jump out of windows, money only it turned out to be an empty place for them.
If your desire and intention was to create affordable housing using the latest technology and with the heart to help others get a home you will likely attract the people and resources to get it done and if doesn’t happen you still lived a life worth living, because the journey to your destination is probably where you are going to be where the majority of the time is spent so make sure it’s a fun journey or find a new one.
If your intention is to create the cheapest housing you can create and just make money, you will likely never reach your goal and if you do when you arrive what are you going to do, brag on how you took advantage of others?How hollow will that success be. No, have a good goal and let the by product of your good intentions be success, money and respect.
P.S. And if you can’t find anything worth living for maybe you need to look at what you would be willing to die for.