When God’s involved
Everything changes when we have You, colors take on new meaning, the earth and the sky reveal new beauty that we did not know before coming to know you.
Life has a whole new texture to it, a brand new feel to it. It’s like all our emotions are turn on at once, all the good ones, You draw out goodness and you are the essence of goodness, just knowing you and thinking on you changes us. You cause our hearts to leap inside with great expectations, there is no one like You.
You cause the sun to rise and set, You have put into motion rivers of joy that we know not of, fresh touches we have never felt before, visions we have never seen, lives worth living, you make all things new.
You are the spark in everything that is worth experiencing, they lead us down paths of righteousness and pools of life and rivers of gladness that we have not known. Your fountains Lord, your living waters. These are not to just observe but to jump in and be carried away by You to Your Kingdoms, Your divine places.
It’s hard to describe the indescribable and but much easier to experience them, leaving us without words, over whelmed by You and Your loveliness and Your love for us. Hold us Lord, never let us go.
Resting in Your arms, what a place.
You are not a respecter of persons as far as our position in life but You read the hearts of men and respond to it.
Who do you commune with all day……………….
Is God the first one you turn to ……….
Who is your go to person…………
Do you get God’s opinion first……………
When your sick who do you go to first…………….the doctor or God.
When you have pressing questions that need an answer now, whose precepts do you follow…………..
Do you do the easy thing or the right thing………….
The right thing could be easy or not but its answer is not based on easy but rightness.
Do you use God’s tools and rules or another……………
This is not complicated, it very simple but can be hard to do.
The habit of following God is easier if you are in the habit of following Him. If you’re in the habit of always taking the easy way out whether it is right or wrong then it becomes much harder to follow Him.
Habits are a bridge you build to either God or to someone else. Once you repeat a code of conduct often enough it becomes your automatic default. But God, He can break every bad habit if you choose to follow Him, He will cause you to be an over comer, not by yourself but with His help.
You can do all things through God who strengthens you, not by yourself.
It is His leading and His help we can then do the impossible.
Every good thing, idea, invention, thought is from God. He only gives good gifts, people can use the good that came from God and then pervert it’s use but it was not the original purpose of Gods.
Look at God’s window dressing in the sky, so magnificent and ever changing a kaleidoscope of colors and beauty, a feast for the eyes and amazing paintings for the artists that paint these skies. Who is this awesome God…………..He is the King of Glory.
There is no safety in things. No matter how much I try to figure out how I can protect things, my stuff, I see the holes in my protection plan that a sudden flood can take it all away in a moment. There is no fool proof way to hang on to any created thing, holding on to things is like trying to grasp the wind, no matter how hard you try it will not happen. You can enjoy the wind as it passes by but you cannot cause the wind to blow, you don’t know where it came from or where it is going.
Things are meant to be used as they pass through your hands but you cannot possess them, just use them and enjoy them for the time they are with you.
You cannot control when people are born or when they die you can only enjoy them during the allotted time God has given you with them.
Trying to possess things is trying to take what was not yours. God owns all things, he created things and people and he decides the length of their days and who will come and who will go and when these events will happen.
For those who think they can control things good luck.
You have only one thing you have control over……It’s who you will serve and the master you serve will decide what happens to you from there, God or the devil , it’s your choice but the outcomes you have little control over. And it’s a daily choice, you can’t choice for tomorrow you don’t even know if you have a tomorrow.
Yesterday doesn’t determine today and the choices you make. Your yesterdays have an influence on you but today is its own final say.
The good news is when we turn to God for direction daily and you follow do what he says he doesn’t care how bad your past was. ……………..
The path has two parts listen to what the spirit of God is saying and then most importantly obeying what you have heard.
What a simple formula, even an idiot can follow and obey. It’s not a complicated formula that some would have you believe so they can profit from the word of God.
Hear and obey, hear and obey………how hard is that.
And the good news is even if you hear him wrong sometimes and you will, he goes by your heart, if your intention was to obey as best you could that is what is important to God.
Who are you following in your heart………..
Learning is by doing, the greatest teacher is experiencing the thing, hearing about something wouldn’t do it, speaking about it wouldn’t do it, reading about it fails, they are all lame compared to doing.
The greatest teacher is action, doing the work that’s before you, that is the fastest learning curve known to man.
When there is new ground to break, a bunch of speculation only, well is just speculation it likely doesn’t flush out the answers, only action does, the common saying today is just do it, but add to that do the right do it, get your instructions from God not from the world.
Opportunities are everywhere for those who will act, the Bible says that there is much work to be done but the labors are few and I believe this also applies to commerce.
God says he will help us without spiritual goals and out worldly goals he will not withhold any good thing.
If you want to run and not grow weary, ask God for such strength, he is the strength giver…..
Strength of our youth, you remember those long summer days and nights as a child when you ran until every last drop of strength was gone and ever then your parents had to drag you to bed or you would have went all night, you didn’t need coxing to run you just ran because it felt so good, you remember those days, that is where God wants to take you again with the strength of your youth. Is it possible? Caleb at 85 years old s had to go against the giants of the land to take the land for his tribe and at this ripe old age he said I have the same strength and vigor I had as youth. Would he only do it for Caleb? The bible says he is not a respecter of persons he would do it for you. Are there some conditions to be met? Eating right, always serving God, sure there is but the possibilities are open to all.
We need spiritual strength as well as natural strength in this life and he wants to provide us with that but so does the dark side of life. You can call on the dark side, black arts like King Saul did by consulting the witch of Endor but that didn’t end well or follow King Solomon turning against the true God he once know and worship the god of Moloch sacrificing children on its alters to get the dark powers to help him, but that did not end well either, there are many dark powers out there that will help you if you wish to align yourself with them but don’t.
There is only one true God the God Almighty, the maker of all things. If we put our hope in anyone other than You Lord we will fail in the end, period end of story. There is no other alternative of goodness, I have searched literally around the world and there is no other God. If you follow another there may be no returning, follow the one true God while you still can, tomorrow is promised to no one.