Who Is In Charge
What you worry about you serve. You just need to look at all the things in life that you worry about, this is what you serve, and this is where your heart is. Worry reveals many things about yourself, your masters, and the things that are controlling your life. Change your worries into hope. Hope for a better future and this will change who you serve.
Who or what you think about all day is your master. They become in charge of you by default. You just need to look at all the things in life that you worry about, this is what you serve, and this is where your heart is.
Routine causes you to fall into patterns that once established are hard to change. The change is simple anyone can do it, it does not require brains but intestinal fortitude, guts. And the only way you get guts is to have deep seated reasons and beliefs for why you do what you do.
You must decide who’s philosophies, what god you will follow because if you don’t those who you hang out with will be your god by default. Who you hang out with will have a great influence on who you will become. Who you are looking at all day and what are the books you read and the shows you watch will color you with their color and beliefs.
If you’re mostly alone and you spend your time thinking about God, writing about God, talking about God, he will become your God. Your heart can become molded by your environment, is it positive or negative, and is it filled with hope or fear for tomorrow.
You can overcome your environment, look at how many great men when thrown in prison and in that solitude in that environment, they became great often better than when they went in. But some great men like John the Baptist while in jail started to question if Jesus was really the Son Of God or not. He sent one of his disciples from his prison cell to ask Jesus if he really was the Christ after all. Jesus rebuked the messenger John sent him doubting he was the Christ. God said there was no greater man than John so we can all have our bad days but we can recover from a bad position.
It never where you start that’s as important as what direction you choose today. Many who go into the press of life start out one way but end in such a different place. Some of the good people turn bad and some of the bad turn out good.
Who can predict what’s truly in a man’s heart but God. Who would have thought King Solomon would turn against God, he was given all the wealth and wisdom of this world has to offer and then turned away from God. The point is how much God gives you or doesn’t give you does not determine your choices, you choice in your heart who you will follow.
When King Solomon was 12 years old and became King he was afraid of how to lead Israel and he submitted himself to God but once God established him he turned against God. When we are in the press of life we are liable to agree with anything until we are released and things are going well then you’re true colors come out.
I don’t know how you can change your heart without God’s help, he is the only one I know who can change ones heart and only with your permission and request.
Change my heart and make it more like you is the only hope I see.
Crisis often brings out who we truly are, many run in a crisis and some stand. Many become cowards and some become heroes.
Only God can give us the heart transplant we need. It is where your heart sits that will in the end determine where you will end up in this life and the next. Submit yourself to him while you still have the will to submit.
Look at Peter denying Christ 3 times when he was first in the press, he did not do well but later became one of the great leaders for Christ eventually laying his life down for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He had a deep heart change when he met Christ, he started out good but fell but returned to standing up for the gospel. I’m sure he cried many nights after denying Christ and asked that God would change his heart and he did. He was so discussed with himself that he didn’t want to even hang out with the other disciples after the cross.
When Jesus after his death was going to meet with his disciples he sent a special message that Peter be there.
I’m sure he thought about Jesus asking him 3 times do you love me Peter? Feed my sheep.
When Peter was first tested he failed but in the end he triumphant.
We all will be tested and your heart will decide whether you betray God or serve him. We have an advocate Jesus to help us and he will in no way turn down anyone who calls on him and on his name with an honest spirit of repentance.
Change my heart Oh Lord make it more like you.
Some say I’m not worried I’m just planning for solutions in advance. No, worry sees all the bad possibilities and outcomes with no solution in sight. Sure planning for solutions in advance is just good sense and is not to compared to worry. These two different ways of handling a problem are far apart.
Worry often tries to hide behind some virtuous explanation but there is nothing good behind worry, it a destructive force period. Worry it its own worst enemy, it causes a downward spiral that only brings you to hopelessness and never ends well. “I was worried sick” is a good description of what happens, which does not have a good or virtuous outcome.
Worry just piles onto the problem it doesn’t have any good solutions just all the possible bad outcomes. Worry doesn’t say I just was worried and so hopeful everything will work out well, does that sound like how worry works? I didn’t think so.
Get out of the business of worry it doesn’t pay well. No one has ever worried their way out of anything, it’s just shows your lack of faith that God is not for you and doesn’t care about you. How do you think that makes God feel as well as yourself? He is either your provider or he isn’t.
If God is for you, even if you lose your life God is there to take you to your next life with him. But if you worry you deny his saving power, what hope is in that. No you must trust in him and he will see you through in this life and the next.
If you were to die in defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ would you not become a martyr for him and all the benefits in heaven? Would that be so bad? I think not. Surrender all at his feet, he says not to be concerned with what you will drink or eat or wear that he will provide.
Worry is not solution based its failure based, it looks at all the bad that could happen and ignores all the good. It’s not a good practice to continue.
Think about you Lord and we can do all things, with you we can accomplish the unaccomplishable. In your world Lord impossible doesn’t exist it just a relic of past unbelief.